Fair Wear Foundation & Maier Sports
Maier Sports has been a committed member of the Fair Wear Foundation (FWF) for more than 10 years. Together we’ve been able to make a difference, especially when it comes to improving the working conditions of our fellow textile workers in Asia. We are fully committed to our social responsibility, as genuine sustainability starts with treating our employees fairly.
"We want our employees around the world to enjoy the same positive working environments we expect to find on this side of the globe.”

Fair Wear Foundation information
The Fair Wear Foundation has been actively promoting fair working conditions in the textile industry for many years. Its stated goals are to help companies monitor and improve their supply chains, thus safeguarding labour rights. Responsibility for implementing workers’ rights lies with the companies themselves. At Maier Sports, this is part of the work of our CSR team, led by Lisa-Marie Dozier, as the labour rights we’re taking for granted in Germany still need to be to be established in many other countries.
One example for this is the banning of excessive working hours. There have been several cases of excessive workloads in the textile industry just over the past couple of years. This is in part because of seasonal peaks in production which require companies to over-commit their work capacity. As these companies work hard to meet their delivery deadlines, this can lead to an increased risk of individual workers getting assigned excessive workloads. And in many countries, workload limits aren’t monitored sufficiently by the authorities.
Maier Sports and the Fair Wear Foundation
To optimise this process of regular monitoring and improvements, we are members of the Fair Wear Foundation since 2011. This non-profit organisation campaigns for what are widely considered to be the strictest labour rights rules in the world. By working together, we acknowledge our responsibility towards all our production sites and all their workers, uncompromisingly standing up for their rights. We at Maier Sports work hand in hand with the Fair Wear Foundation and our suppliers to ensure appropriate working hours for our workers in Asia. For example, we´ve established a segment of ”never out of stock” products in our collections. Since these are always in stock, they can be produced continually, thus limiting the impact of seasonal production peaks.
Fair Wear Foundation standards
The Fair Wear Foundation uses annual performance reviews, production site auditing and worker grievance feedback systems to ensure the continual improvements of member companies. In other words, we’re trying to find strategies and solutions for improving working conditions together. This applies to all workers’ rights that we consider to be non-negotiable. These rights are based on the core labour standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations declaration of human rights. They are the basis for the 8 labour guidelines to which we at Maier Sports have committed ourselves as part of our membership In the Fair Wear Foundation.
The 8 Fair Wear Foundation work guidelines:
We only produce where we´d want to work ourselves
We have communicated all the requirements of the Fair Wear Foundation to our main suppliers and our own production sites. Moreover, our production sites are also inspected regularly. Thus, the Maier Sports philosophy includes sourcing requirements and is based on the responsibility we assume towards our partners. This is what we stand for and what we’re working for, together with our suppliers.
Our subsidiary Germatürk: A reliable partner in every situation
Due to its highly developed textile industry and the numerous well-trained specialists available locally, Maier Sports GmbH decided more than 30 years ago to establish a subsidiary in the city of Izmir, Turkey – Germatürk.
Implementation of the Supply Chain Act
Starting in 2024, the Supply Chain Act (German: Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz) will further strengthen human rights – with greater fairness, better environmental protection, and more transparency for us all. Find out here how Maier Sports will ensure that our clothes are produced under fair working conditions while protecting the environment.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report 2022/2023
You can find more information in the Brand Performance Check.